Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#06 Negotiating Can Be Natural if You Let it Be



Negotiating for your life will teach you a thing or two about the art of negotiation.    Boy do I have a story for you. Subscribe to listen to this weeks episode of "Women with Balls...in the Air" and experience first hand what it feels like to face off with an intruder in your home. I tell the story of when I was nose to nose with a burglar in my Santa Monica bungalow. It was one of the most dramatizing experiences in my life. Yet, I still learned a boat load from it. And this week I share it all with you...    I learned that negotiating is a natural way of our survival. It is in our genes.  It's been part of our life ever since we were babies. So with all the practice, how could we not be good at it? All we need to do is believe that we can.   In this weeks episode I will dive deep into the 5 golden strategies that I use while negotiating everything from a new SUV, a business deal, garage sales,...to saving my own life.   I love a good negotiation and my goal is to get you to love it too. We are always succ