Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#46 How to Follow Up After a Networking Event



You’ve attended a networking event. Now what? You have a purse full of business cards and no clue what to do with them. Business cards have no value if you don’t use them, so let’s learn from a 22-year-old millennial wiz kid who schooled this mama on how to maximize the initial interaction we had on the first meet up. A networking event is just the starting point for starting a new professional relationship — your follow-up is the key to making it real. And since the ball starts rolling as soon as you meet, it's best to start at step 1 within 24 hours. Check out how a 22-year-old taught me a thing or two about the art of the follow-up.   I talked about: Sending a quick email Valuing someone's time Reciprocity - Give first expect nothing in return Timing is everything If you haven’t already, check out this podcast episode where we give you action advice on how to follow-up after a networking event.