Overdue Finds

27 Capital City Records Vinyl



We welcome back EPL librarian Rocky Mann to the show to tell us all about super-cool Capital City Records vinyl album. Get the scoop on how the project came together and hear about some of the amazing Edmonton artists that are featured on the album. Plus, the group reminisces about the very first album that they bought when they were kids. Check out the list of all the items that we talk about in this episode. Visit us online to learn more about the Capital City Press Vinyl Project.   Tickets are now available for our next Forward Thinking Speaker Series event, "It's Time: A Conversation about Domestic Violence in Edmonton". Join us on Monday, April 8th for this important presentation.  We would love to hear from our listeners so if you have any comments about the show or episode ideas please email us at podcast@epl.ca.  Be sure to follow EPL on Facebook and on Twitter. Join the conversation by using #EPLOverdueFinds.  The next episode will be available on Friday, April 12 when we'll be chatting with EPL's Wr