Overdue Finds

42 Oh, the Horror!



With Halloween right around the corner, Bryce and Caroline and joined by first time guests & movie buffs Steven Sandor and Indy Randhawa to chat about some of their favourite horror hidden gems that you can find at EPL. The group debates whether it's better to watch horror movies at home or in a movie theatre and they share their favourite horror tropes. Plus, Steven shares his rules for watching horror movies. Grab a flashlight and hide under the covers for this spooky edition of Overdue Finds.  Don't forget to check out our list of all the scary movies that we talk about during this episode.  Guest Steven Sandor has also published a list of some of his favourite horror stories that you can view here.  Our next episode will be available on Friday, November 8th. Bryce and Caroline will be chatting with Kate Gibson and new Capital City Press Featured writer Premee Mohamed about National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) which takes place in November.  Comments or questions about the show? You can reach us at