Overdue Finds

43 NaNoWriMo



Bryce and Caroline are joined by EPL's newest Capital City Press Featured Writer Premee Mohamed and nine-time podcast guest Kate Gibson to talk about National Novel Writing Month. Premee talks about her experiences in writing and publishing, and everyone comes out of this episode with a pen name. Listen in to find out how EPL and the NaNoWriMo community can help you on your novel-writing journey! Check out our list of titles that we talk about in this episode including some great resources available at EPL for writers.  Guest Premee Mohamed also has a recommended reading list on EPL.ca that features Sci-fi that Puts the Sci in Fi. On our November 22 episode, we’ll be sharing some funny behind-the-scenes library stories – everything from impromptu weddings to surprise snakes! Comments or questions about the show? You can reach us at podcast@epl.ca.  Follow EPL on Facebook and on Twitter and join the conversation by using #EPLOverdueFinds.