Girl On Purpose With Vivian Tenorio

050: Tito Beveridge, Founder of Tito's Handmade Vodka



Tito Beveridge is a geophysicist with an unlikely path to becoming a famed micro distiller. In 1997, Tito fought for his right to open the first legal distillery in the state of Texas, a one-room shack that he hand-built himself. In his own rags-to-riches story, he has become the pioneer of the microdistillery industry in the U.S., and attained success through word-of-mouth and loyal followers. When Tito embarked on opening his own microdistillery he worked day and night in the one-room shack, cooking vodka and catching sleep whenever possible. In the fifteen years since, the original shack and original pot still is still standing -- in fact, and Tito uses it as his office! Many more pot stills have been added on, but the method remains the same. Tito still tastes every batch, making adjustments when necessary.   On Today's show Tito's will share: - His top 3 business tips for aspiring entrepreneurs - He shares his Aha moment - How Tony Robbins inspired him and helped him discover his passion - He shares how