Inner Chief Podcast

64. Agency Marketing Institute CEO Drew McLellan on Letting Go to Grow and Being Curious



Today we joined by founder and CEO of the McLellan Marketing Group, Drew McLellan.   He also owns and runs the Agency Management Institute (AMI), which is a consultancy for small to medium sized agencies that has been helping agency owners grow their agencies since the early 90s.   We talk about: What he learnt about understanding people by creating ads To grow and get promoted you need to let of the reins Being curious Joining masterminds Drew launched his agency’s blog in 2006 and it has been on the AdAge Top 150 from the list’s inception. His first book, 99.3 Random Acts of Marketing, was published in 2003 and Drew and Australian marketer Gavin Heaton created the Age of Conversation series of crowdsourced books in 2007. To date, the AOC series has raised over $50,000 for charity. Drew launched the AMI blog in 2012 and hopes it will be a great resource to agency leaders. Drew’s often interviewed/quoted in Entrepreneur Magazine, New York Times, CNN, BusinessWeek, and many others. The Wall Street Journal