Inner Chief Podcast

77. High Performance Team - Part 1 - Vision



Leading HP Teams - Part 1 - Vision Over the next 25 weeks I’m going to share the 25 elements that form the Chief Maker HP Teams - Tx Model. The aim is that every Monday we’ll introduce one element so you can spend the week focusing on improving it even just 5 or 10%. After 25 weeks you should have made real world progress and have a measurably higher performing team. These 25 elements fall under the 5 pillars of the Chief Maker HP Teams model are: Mission People Culture Tools Execution A MISSION A clear vision and goals steeped in a bigger purpose with a clear strategy & metrics to align the group PEOPLE We have the right people with the right capability in the right roles CULTURE Our team is united,constantly improving in a challenging and enjoyable environment. TOOLS My people have the systems, processes and hardware to perform their role with excellence EXECUTION We have strong governance of our transformation to keep the clock ticking To kick things off over t