Inner Chief Podcast

81. High Performance Teams - Part 3 - Strategy & Tactics



In our first two minisodes on leading high performance teams we built your vision and purpose. So your team now knows where they should be in two to three years and also why (your purpose).   The next logical question is how? And this means pulling the right levers to make the biggest and most effective impact in your area.     For more info check out   Many executives make a critical error at the outset of leading a transformation. They don’t stand back and clearly assess the current situation, relying instead on a partial understanding of the environment in which they’re operating. This error costs them time and money, and it raises stress and resistance throughout the process.   Chiefs spend significant time precisely mapping the territory before they start. Rather than launching projects randomly, they apply deep understanding to the problem.   This mapping gives them an in-depth understanding of the economics, culture, and their team’s capabilities. They understand how the depart