Job Optional Podcast With Jenae Nicole

032: Creating Vision for Strategic Business Plan



Side Hustle month we're talking all things side hustle and starting at the beginning. Vision and Mission are the topic on the show this month. September begins the fourth quarter of the year, and I want us to go into the new year with a clear vision goal and plan. With us being at the beginning of football season, like I tell hubby in the 4th quarter plenty of games have been won and lost. Not just getting started that's ok too every year we need to reboot so to speak and still have a fresh plan for the year just the same. Get a piece of paper and pen, get in a quiet space and just imagine what you would like the next year to look like. That's it it may seem simple but quieting our minds and just focusing only on the end results can be a challenge... especially if you have kids or husbands lol! stay there until you have the vision write down only points to remember with no limits. We tend to have what I call a "Dream Ceiling" it's possible for someone like Oprah… remember she wasn’t always "O", so why not for