Shaping The Fourth Industrial Revolution

3. A Revolution for the Environment?



Whatever else the First Industrial Revolution may have been, it was an environmental calamity. As we now know, the practice of mining and burning fossil fuels on a massive scale was profoundly consequential for our planetary development. Does the Fourth Industrial Revolution give us the chance to reverse the damage we have done? Across the spectrum of environmentalist activity, there are engineers and innovators finding ways to employ new technologies to lessen our impact on ecosystems, from the startup using blockchain to drive sustainable buying decisions to the activist using satellites to bring environmental degraders to book. In episode 3 of ‘Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ we talk to John Amos, founder of SkyTruth; Paul Bunje, Chief Scientist of the X-Prize Foundation; Jonathon Porritt, former Director of Friends of the Earth; Lauren Fletcher, founder and CEO of Biocarbon Engineering; Jessi Baker, Founder of Provenance; Kim Hunter, VP of Communications and Engagement at Aclima.