Shaping The Fourth Industrial Revolution

9. An Inclusive Revolution?



Who will reap the benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Will it be the top 1% at the expense of the rest of us, or will the proceeds be shared equitably enough to make it worthwhile for everyone? Voters in the rich world are already showing signs of serious discontent with the proceeds of globalisation, as evidence has grown that the growth of the last decade has benefitted those at the top disproportionately. There is a risk, in the eyes of many observers, that if powerful interests are able to capture the lion’s share of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s goodies for themselves, conflict and social upheaval will ensue. How can policymakers chart a path to a form of growth that is more inclusive as this revolution unfolds? Can the excesses of globalisation be curbed? In episode 9 of ’Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, we talk to Danny Leipziger, Managing Director of the Growth Dialogue; Jonathan Ostry, Deputy Director of the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund; Sergei Gurie