Personal Branding For The Lgbtq Professional

#31: Increase Your Market Share Through Authentic Communications [Podcast]



So this weeks podcast is a little bit different. This is the audio recording of my March 19th webinar that I did. As you may know I do webinars every single month. I've heard from many podcast listeners that you just can't make it live to a webinar so instead I've brought the webinar to you this week! If you'd like to attend a live webinar, you can check out the next date here! Blog Posts mentioned throughout this episode 3 reasons you should never say homosexual. ever. New Numbers are Out: America’s LGBT Buying Power What’s the buzz about the ‘gay dollar’? … and why you should care. Duck Dynasty, A&E and Cracker Barrel: A Case Study [Podcast] Which lesbian is the ‘man’ in the relationship? Queer: What does it mean? The 7 Deadly Sins Series Why Making Assumptions is a Critical Mistake in your (LGBT) Gay Marketing Efforts Are you using Stereotypes in your (LGBT) Gay Marketing Efforts? If so, stop! Are you asking LGBT People Inappropriate Questions? My guess is yes. Are you non-verbally stereotypi