Pain Reframed | Physical Therapy | Pain Management

34: The Mindbody Program for Pain Relief with John Gribbin



Welcome back to another episode of Pain Reframed! This week, Dr. Tim Flynn and Dr. Jeff Moore are chatting with John Gribbin, who is the CEO of, a technology company that’s built around providing high-quality neuro education to individuals suffering from persistent pain. Curable is built by a team of people who have suffered and still suffer from persistent pain, so they know what to provide for those patients suffering today. The science to reframe pain is out there, but unfortunately not accessible to most of society. As a result, Tim, Jeff, and John will discuss what Curable does and how we can integrate it into our practices. Don’t forget to save the date: June 8-10, 2018 in Denver, Colorado, the Align Conference will be taking place, focusing on neuropathic (nerve) pain.  All of the various concepts of calming the nerves down will be covered at this conference. LINKS: @curablehealth - Twitter and Instagram http://ispinsti