Pain Reframed | Physical Therapy | Pain Management

Replay | 44: Sleep and Physical Therapy with Dr. Catherine Siengsukon



Sleep is SO important. Sure, the topic has been batted around on Pain Reframed, but do we really know and believe that sleep is essential? Today, we’ll be chatting with Dr. Katie Siengsukon about sleep, as well as screening and sleep hygiene tactics that you need as a clinician and also that you need as a patient. Dr. Siengsukon provides instruction in neuroscience, neurorehabilitation, and sleep health promotion in the physical therapy and rehabilitation science graduate programs. She is currently the director of the Sleep, Health, and Wellness Laboratory and conducts research to better understand how sleep impacts function, learning, and overall health particularly with aging and in those with neurological conditions.   Links: @KatieSleepPT @eimteam