Gone Postal!

006 (Count Me In)



The latest, insufferable ramblings of the Sonofnothing.   Check out my new podcast! FRIENDS & 40s   Lucid dreaming, can you achieve it? Buy your own mechanics tools! Buy less Amazon, play more drums! CREATE! The upcoming 2018 USPS rural mail count. Our union sucks. Sending secretive gifts. I am your child's protector by proxy. Hi Ali!   **Btw, I actually did have some night jobs. I delivered pizza and eventually made food, did restaurant warehouse runs with the boss, and basically was his right hand man for a little while there. The deli slicer claimed one of my fingertips while slicing meatballs. Classic newb move. I also stocked shelves at the Commissary on West Point for a few weeks with Shari and Steve