Return To The Past: A Code Lyoko Retrospective

RTTP #37 - Common Interest, or, There Are Three Entire Guns in this Episode



  More than any other episode, Common Interest really hammers home how BOLD Code Lyoko was willing to be. Even after 13 years we're still stunned that we saw Aelita almost succumb to heart failure three times in one day, or Jeremie handling raw uranium as he struggled to keep the supercomputer alive, or XANA facing off against a military transport armed with very present and realistic guns. Still not sure how that one got on Cartoon Network in the days when cops shot laser beams and heroes never said die.   Which makes it all the more disappointing when we go back to it after 13 years and discover all the weird pacing in the Lyoko bits, plus the glaring plot holes that we never noticed as kids. But darn it all if it isn't still good! It's also been a long week for Mary, David, and Ben, which means that they're SUPER excited but also super distracted. But that means you'll get to hear Ben explain the history of Juggalos, David highlight the world's stealthiest Back to the Future reference, and Mary rant and ra