Return To The Past: A Code Lyoko Retrospective




Folklorists speculate that zombies are popular because they let us indulge in guilt-free fantasies about inflicting violence on the people around us. Code Lyoko decided that that's as good an excuse as any to finally show us cartoon children beating the snot out of each other. The Super Nuclear group concludes that that is actually kind of hilarious. But that's not all! In addition to the violence, there's ridiculously inappropriate nudity as well. Unless you're in France, I guess. Silly Europeans! When will you learn to be ashamed of your bodies? As usual, Mary, Ben, and David are here to gently spread a soothing ointment on your burning questions. How hard does the show try to make you forget it's set in France? (Very.) How many plot contrivances are there to explain why the children can't count on the adults to defend them from the zombie horde? (One, and it's fainting. Lots and lots of fainting.) Did the gaggle of bozos that pass for podcast hosts around here finally make up Pokémon teams for the Lyoko Wa