Return To The Past: A Code Lyoko Retrospective

RTTP #91 - Bad Connection, or, Everybody Hates Odd



It's been over ninety episodes of this Lyoko crap. How about we pivot to Evangelion instead? That's hot and trendy again, right? And, really, is there anything more fun than listening to young white people share their brave yet controversial opinions about anime? Join us for ten minutes of that, followed by a long groan of an episode of a far inferior thing that isn't even a real anime. Also featured: Ben pokes gentle fun at his goofball of a stepfather and makes lascivious comments about cartoon characters again, David tells the surprising but true story of the time some jackass filed a complaint with his employer because of a disagreement about Rick and Morty, and Mary laughs for 40 seconds straight at a dancing Ukranian man. Also, we'll need your help for two upcoming projects! We'd like to assemble a "clip show" of show moments for Echoes, and a collection of listener messages (written or recorded, your choice) for our final season break/postmortem. If you would like to contribute to either, please let us