Inspiring Mama | A Happiness Podcast For Moms & Dads

How to Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself | Ep 39



I should be working out right now. I should be eating healthier. I shouldn’t be on Facebook. I should should should should! Using the word “should” in your head actually makes you LESS productive and MORE unhappy.    Learn a 3-step process to get rid of the “shoulds” in your head that will empower you and propel you toward what you want.    Use this exercise during times of high stress, anxiety, depression, or whenever you notice that you are feeling more guilt and shame than usual.    Get written exercises like this every other week, FREE by signing up here: Get Instant Access to 3 Minutes to Zen   Here is the 3-Step Process, called The Should-a-Nator:    Step 1: Notice your “shoulds”    What “should” you do? Ask yourself that question and I bet you’ll get a whole flood of all of the shoulds that your brain likes to beat you up with. You shouldn’t watch that much TV. You should be buying organic. You shouldn’t have quit breastfeeding so early. You should be running like that old high school friend on Facebo