Leading Girls With Wynter And Courtney

Mother-Daughter Chat with Gabi and Michelle Graves (Ep 58)



Gabriella Graves, or to her friends Gabi, is a Texas born actor. She discovered her love of acting at the age of 4 when she booked the role of Young Ti Moune at a Children's Theatre in San Antonio, TX. Her passion for acting and performing continued to grow over the years as she traveled and sang, with her family, across the country. At the age of 8 she had the opportunity to showcase her talent and was quickly signed with an agent in LA. Shortly after that her family made the exciting choice to move to California so she could pursue her love. Gabi is currently starring on the Disney show Coop and Cami Ask the World as well as multiple animated shows on Netflix, DisneyJr. and Amazon. Gabi's passion is to share Jesus through her acting.  Her motto is DREAM BIG, BE KIND and LOVE ALWAYS. On this episode, we talk with Gabi and her mom about her experience working in Hollywood, their relationship as mom and daughter and how to keep their identity rooted in Christ.