Old Guard Audio

President Trump’s personal attorney Marc Kasowitz response to Comey Testimony



President Trump’s personal attorney Marc Kasowitz response to the former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey Testimony at the Senate 0-00 ladies and gentlemen I'm mark Kassovitz 0-03 president Trump's personal lawyer 0-06 contrary to numerous false press 0-09 accounts leading up to today's hearing 0-12 Comey has now finally confirmed 0-15 publicly what he repeatedly told 0-18 President Trump privately that is that 0-22 the president was not under 0-24 investigation as part of any probe into 0-28 Russian interference the president he 0-32 Comey also admitted that there is no 0-34 evidence that a single vote change as a 0-38 result of any Russian interference 0-40 commies testimony also makes clear 0-44 that the president never sought to 0-47 impede the investigation into attempted 0-50 Russian interference in the 2016 0-53 election and in fact according to mr. 0-57 Comey the president told mr. Comey quote 1-00 it would be good to find out close quote 1-04 in that investigation if