Old Guard Audio

Oliver Stone heaps compliments on Vladimir Putin, calls news reports about hacking FAKE NEWS



Oliver Stone heaps compliments on Vladimir Putin, calls news reports about hacking FAKE NEWS   BBC Fake News reporter Laura Trevelyan, is taken aback by Oliver Stone's positive comments on Putin and the Russia FAKE NEWS The Liberal Fake News BBC's Laura Trevelyan spoke to the filmmaker Oliver Stone about his upcoming documentary with Vladimir Putin. Oliver Stone asked the Russian president about the US election hacking situation. The liberal fake news journalist was not ready for what she heard. Oliver Stone interview with Vladimir Putin, Stone was extremely complimentary of the man, yet the BBC/PBS pushed it, and Stone said the Russia election thing was all smoke with no fire, Russia had nothing to do with Trump and the 2016 election. And he even labeled the coverage of it as FAKE NEWS 0-00 Vladimir Putin is a former KGB operative 0-02 he understands the importance of 0-04 television he understands the importance 0-05 of image is it possible that he's using 0-07 you to send a message 0-09 perhaps you that i