Old Guard Audio

Ken Starr - Clinton era Special Prosecutor on the FAKE NEWS of Trump Obstructing Justice



Ken Starr - Clinton era Special Prosecutor on the FAKE NEWS of Trump Obstructing Justice Ken Star says there is no obstruction of justice, and questions need for Special Counsel  0-00 so joining me now Ken Starr who served 0-02 as independent counsel for five special 0-04 investigations including the whitewater 0-05 investigation involving then President 0-08 Clinton mr. Starr welcome good to have 0-10 you with us tonight great to be with you 0-13 thank you so you watch this testimony 0-15 today and I know that you've said that 0-17 there is no obstruction of justice that 0-19 you have seen in any of this and you've 0-21 questioned even the need for a special 0-23 counsel given the evidence what did you 0-25 think about Jeff Sessions testimony 0-27 today 0-27 I thought the attorney general was 0-30 terrific 0-31 first of all I've known the Attorney 0-33 General since 1981 and I know him to be 0-36 a man of honor a man of the law and I 0-41 thought that came through his passion 0-43 and commitment to the rule