Old Guard Audio

Kangaroo Court Derek Chauvin - George Floyd CASE



Kangaroo Court Confirmed: Prosecutor in George Floyd Case Makes Stunning Admission Christine Favocci June 28, 2021, at 4:36pm   Derek Chauvin’s murder conviction was a pivotal event in American history — not as the moment of racial reckoning the professional race-baiters have sold it as, but rather as the day the Sixth Amendment died. The white former Minneapolis police officer was convicted of three counts of murder and will spend more than two decades behind bars after George Floyd, a black suspect, died while in his custody in May 2020. Instead of the usual case of an impartial jury finding him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt (much more on that in a bit), it now appears there was a concerted effort to scapegoat and sacrifice Chauvin to appease the violent mobs who burned cities for months. But you don’t have to take my word for it. According to Keith Ellison, the attorney general of Minnesota and lead prosecutor in the case, Chauvin would not be in jail but for “ordinary people who courageously bore wit