Page One

148 - Arlie Adlington



For the 122nd Second-Hand Book Factory, Charles Adrian is joined by podcaster and general audio-person Arlie Adlington. They talk mix-tapes and assumptions, and bring the current series of Page One to an end. The episode of Arlie’s podcast The Boy Who Hasn’t Lived that features Charles Adrian can be found here: Episode image is a detail from the cover of Pomosexuals, Challenging Assumptions About Gender And Sexuality edited by Carol Queen and Lawrence Shimel, published in 1997 by Cleis Press Inc; cover photo by Phyllis Christopher; cover design by Scott Idleman/Blink. Marked as explicit on iTunes because there are words used towards the end of the episode that, although largely reclaimed by the LGBTQIA community, are also still in use as slurs.   More information about the podcast is at