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151 - Tim Spooner



Recorded on the 5th October, 2018. Speaking to Charles Adrian for a particularly dreamy 125th Second-Hand Book Factory in his own studio in Mile End is artist Tim Spooner. They talk some difficult poetry, the Berlin Wall and rule-bound beauty. Episode image is a detail from the cover of The Complete Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino, published by Penguin Modern Classics in 2010; cover image is a detail from The Last Judgement: The Stars Fall And Everything Is Turned Upside Down, Italian School, 15th century/Fol 149va Biblioteca Reale, Turin, Italy (Alinari/The Bridgeman Art Library). (Correction: Charles Adrian talks about the 29th anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall, which he says happened on a Wednesday. In fact, he is thinking of the Tag der Deutschen Einheit, celebrated on the 3rd of October, which was a Wednesday in 2018. The 29th anniversary of the falling of the Wall was the 9th of November 2018, which was a Friday. In any case, what is true is that, at the time of recording this episode, about 29