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151 - [Unedited] Tim Spooner



In honour of Krista Tippett, whose podcast On Being both Tim and Charles Adrian listen to and enjoy, this is an unedited recording of their conversation released in parallel with the edited version that appears in your feeds. Recorded on the 5th October, 2018. Speaking to Charles Adrian for a particularly dreamy 125th Second-Hand Book Factory in his own studio in Mile End is artist Tim Spooner. They talk some difficult poetry, the Berlin Wall and rule-bound beauty. Episode image is a detail from the cover of The Complete Cosmicomics by Italo Calvino, published by Penguin Modern Classics in 2010; cover image is a detail from The Last Judgement: The Stars Fall And Everything Is Turned Upside Down, Italian School, 15th century/Fol 149va Biblioteca Reale, Turin, Italy (Alinari/The Bridgeman Art Library). Correction: Charles Adrian talks about the 29th anniversary of the falling of the Berlin Wall, which he says happened on a Wednesday. In fact, he is thinking of the Tag der Deutschen Einheit, celebrated on the 3r