Entrepreneurs Living Wealthy | Motivation & Strategies For Small Business Owners!

050 Nadine Cino Disrupts the Moving Industry for Profit and the Planet



Nadine Cino, LEED AP, is known for her irrepressible entrepreneur spirit. It’s no surprise that the story of TygaBox™ includes wild twists and turns and a memorable cast of characters! You will love this episode, and you will learn from this episode: we guarantee it! Nadine is an impassioned sustainability thought leader, speaker, and writer. Over the past 20 years, as the Chief Executive Officer & co-Inventor of Tyga-Box Systems, Inc., Nadine, along with her partner, Marty Spindel, has transformed the moving and storage industry. Their invention, the Tyga-Box System, has helped companies significantly reduce moving costs by 30% and packaging impacts to people and planet by 100% by replacing cardboard boxes with the innovative, reusable, and efficient Tyga-Box System. We at ELW Podcast have sincere respect for her method of helping the planet with the client-friendly, “Jerry Maguire - show them the money” approach. Nadine promotes her sustainable product by offering an economic benefit. This is a priority