Avoid Being Hated

Avoid Being Hated by an ER Nurse: Episode 47



What really constitutes an emergency?  Does anyone really like needles and shots?  Do I need to clarify that I do not like shots or needles?  Meet our friend Guire.  He is the ER nurse we all hope to get when we have to visit the ER!  ...and, let's be serious, we've all been there!  Today, we chat all things ER. Take Aways:  Stick with the 1-10 scale.  Don't tell the nurse it's a 12...it doesn't help. Triage is an algorithm of 1-5 emergencies.  You are being skipped for a reason...someone else's emergency is more ....um, urgent! Think of our medical system as one of finite resources.  If you are there for a scrape you will be using a resource that someone else, in more urgent need may need.