Future Of Structures Podcast

Understanding the Technological Forces that will Shape our Future



Kevin Kelly is the founder of Wired magazine and author of the book 'The Inevitable - Understanding the 12 technological forces that will shape our future. The buildings industry has been stagnant for many decades and ripe for disruption. Understanding the technological forces will better prepare yourself for some of the changes that are on the horizon.   Today is the best time in history to innovate. Kelly tells us that the people in 2050 will be saying "can you imagine how awesome it would be to innovate in 2016? It was a wide open frontier!". People, who do not take up the opportunities on offer will respond, "oh if only I realized how possible things were back then". Most of the products running the lives, of the people in 2050 are surely not around today.   The Inevitable explains the 12, subtle technological forces that are going to shape our futures. One concept explored is artificial intelligence. He says it doesn't matter what job you have, the robot take over is going to be epic. Success will go