Hpa Podcast With David Nolan

Episode. 14 - Dr. Aaron Horschig (Squat University)



In this show I am joined by Dr. Aaron Horschig, a physical therapist & founder of squat university. In this episode we cover;   Topic 1: Myths and common misconceptions surrounding the squat;   Q1. What role does Individuality (bone structure) play in the squat performance? Should everyone squat to full depth? Is everyone capable of squatting to depth? Q2. Forces acting upon the knee in the squat (are squats bad for your knees?) Q3.How do weightlifting shoes alter our squat mechanics? What shoe type is optimal for squatting?  Q4. Should the knees be allowed go over the toes?   Topic 2: Youth weight training;   Q5. Should children be weight training & if so what age should they begin Q6. Does youth weight training stunt growth? Q7. Are kids at a greater risk of injury compared to adults when weight training? Q8. As a coach what training considerations should we keep in mind when prescribing weight training to youth athletes.    Topic 3: Injuries in the squat:   Q9. What are the common injuries we see i