Hpa Podcast With David Nolan

Episode 42 - Dr. Bobby Cheema - Exercise and Caner, Non-communicable Diseases, Progressive vs. Reactive Healthcare, The Importance of Muscle Mass in Disease Prevention



In this episode, David is joined by Dr. Bobby Cheema.   Dr. Bobby Cheema is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Western Sydney University, and an Associate Researcher at the National Institute of Complementary Medicine.  He has 25 years of experience in exercise physiology and prescription, and is internationally recognized for the quality of his work. Bobby is also a former elite level ice-hockey player in his native Canada.   Dr. Cheema’s academic background consists of:   PhD (Exercise Physiology), University of Sydney, Australia, 2006 Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP), 2009-present MSc (Exercise Physiology), University of Victoria, Canada, 2002 Bachelor of Human Kinetics (Exercise Science), UBC, Canada, 1999 David & Bobby discuss:   Topic 1: NCD's   Q1. What is a non-communicable disease? Q2. What is the current state of public health? What is the current level of Non-communicable diseases?    Topic 2: Exercise / Exercise Physiologists    Q3. Is the role exerc