Hpa Podcast With David Nolan

Episode 73 - Dr. Paul Rimmer - How to Conduct a Needs Analysis, Individual vs. Team Coaching, Nutritional Monitoring Strategies



In this episode, David is joined by Dr. Paul Rimmer.  Throughout the course of his academic studies, Paul has covered many areas related to sport science, including nutritional biochemistry, physiology, psychology, elements of physiotherapy and nutrition and exercise programming. His area of academic expertise is in biomechanics – in particular functional and clinical measures of strength and performance, which is what his PhD. was involved in. Paul has also developed and delivered courses and seminars covering many aspects of health and fitness. He has developed a deep understanding of nutrition and human metabolism, which is the research area he is now considered to be most knowledgeable in.  Paul has also developed and delivered courses and seminars covering many aspects of health and fitness. He has developed a deep understanding of nutrition and human metabolism, which is the research area he is now considered to be most knowledgeable in. In his current professional In his current professional capacity,