Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 020: Get OUT of Your Comfort Zone!



The choice is yours, either stay where you’re at, comfortable, safe and never changing, or get out of your comfort zone and decide to truly experience all that life has to offer.   Comfort zones are where most people like to stay, secure, safe, predictable and minimal risk. But comfort zones don’t offer you the opportunity to grow, expand and truly become who you’re meant to be. Often times you don’t necessarily make the choice to leave your zone, in reality, you’re usually forced, pushed or made to take the plunge. That’s what life delivers. Whether it’s your choice of it’s with resistance, there is never an easy solution or fix to taking that first step into the unknown, and that’s exactly what it is, the unknown.  In episode 20 I take you along as I navigate this new journey I’m beginning. I share with you why I started, what it all means to me, and three ways that you can be better prepared, more confident and have a different mindset when you take your first step over and over again out of your comfort z