Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 045 - Getting Un-Stuck, Channeling Session with Iryna



Iryna came to me because she felt completely stuck in her business and had not been achieving the results or the income that she desired. I spent less than an hour with her, gave her lots of advise, and she walked away and began implementing things immediately. Four days later I received this message in my group from her: "Last week we had our pay session and like I mentioned early I was not sure if it's a good time for me or not cuz I was lack of money. I don't have a job right now and my business did not bring me big results. I took a risk and scheduled the pay session with her. At the day I paid her for the session, I made in my business $5.00 (haha ridicules right!?!). I was stuck in my business and I needed help, money was an issue for me like you can see!  After our session, I got clarity what should I focus on in my business and what should I change to get better results! Her step-by-step reading helped me make money $400+ IN 4 DAYS!! I just used one tip from her. I still have two pages of notes I did