Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

BTW 054 - Follow Your Dreams and Let Your heart Sing



I truly believe that we are here to make an impact on this world. From the day we are born till the day we transition over. We are never meant to stop growing, we are never meant to stop adding value and we are meant to forever follow our hearts. That is exactly what Oline Pedersen has done and continues to do each and every day of her life. Even at the age of 62 Oline is on a mission to create a HUGE impact in this life for women all over the world. Oline Pedersen is from Denmark and traveled on inspiration and guidance to the South of France where she came across the most beautiful house that spoke directly to her heart. She is now the founder of Singing Hearts Retreats for Women. These retreats are held in that old, authentic, and beautiful french summer house that she found there, with its own huge garden, and situated in the land, a cosy village, close to the sea and the Pyrenees.    Oline knows that this place and her retreats have the ability to change women’s lives and she is on a mission to spread th