Becoming Mature

#4 The Great De-Commission



The Good News of Jesus Christ has been the foundation of the church since its inception. This foundation, however, has constantly been attacked for the same amount of time. In this episode, two different distortions of the Gospel are examined. While the two movements discussed are completely different, they have this in common: they move the center of the Gospel from eternity to this world. The first is the Nazareth Manifesto. There is an excellent article on this movement listed in the reference section of this post by Mark Newell. In fact, I'm borrowing the title for this podcast from Newell. In our conversation Joel and I call this the Nazareth Movement since this really is a theological movement based on this "Manifesto." The second is the prosperity gospel. You can find more information about this movement including the video to which Joel and I refer in this blog post: Stealing in the Name of the Lord: Our National Export. As in previous episodes, my conversation today is with Joel Williamson, Prof