Becoming Mature

#5 Unalienable Responsibilities



The Finns have declared high speed Internet to be a legal right. The French have declared Internet access (any speed) to be a basic human right. In the United States, we have been raised with the idea that we are endowed by our "Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." An unalienable right is a right that can't be surrendered by a citizen to the government. Unalienable rights are the result of natural law and therefore can't be transferred from one person to another, rights which cannot be given away or abandoned. But what does the Bible say? If it is indeed all that is necessary for faith and life, one would expect an extended discussion on the topic in its pages. Surprisingly there is none. As far as I can tell, the concept of rights is an entirely fabricated human construct which is found no where directly in Scripture. Joel Williamson (Prof of OT at Calvary Theological Seminary) and I converse about the issue of rights. Our conversat