Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Stem Cells as a Potential Cure for Type 1 Diabetes: ViaCyte & "The Human Trial"



"The Human Trial" is a documentary in process about a potential new treatment for type 1 diabetes. Stacey talks to director Lisa Hepner about her life with type 1 and why she wanted to share this story.  The movie features ViaCyte, a California biotech firm testing a stem cell treatment for T1D. They have FDA approval to test only the fourth embryonic stem cell-derived product in the world in people. As those human trials progress, Hepner and her crew are there to film the process. They hope to use the documentary to spread awareness and education about type 1 and about the encapsulation method.  In this episode, we learn what ViaCyte is, all about encapsulation and why so many researchers and scientists are excited about these latest trials.