Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Tidepool CEO Howard Look talks about the Power of Information



Howard Look formed Tidepool after his daughter was diagnosed with type 1 in 2011 and, as a self-described "geek-dad" he was frustrated with the lack of access to her diabetes data. Tidepool is a platform for diabetes information and the apps that use it. It includes an uploader to get information off of devices like CGMs and insulin pumps and view them in a clear and accessible way. Look talks about the other features of Tidepool which help you make sense of what you're seeing. He also shares how his family uses Tidepool to make their diabetes management easier.  Tidepool was honored at the White House last year and Howard Look shares his experience of being asked to sit on a panel with President Obama in February. Stacey also talks to a North Carolina father participating in the American Diabetes Association's' Tour de Cure. He got involved because his daughter's best friend has T1D and she wanted her friend to have a sleepover. The family got educated about type 1 and their involvement took off from there.