Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

JDRF Honoree Moira McCarthy Stanford, Her Daughters, and "The Dress"



Moira McCarthy Stanford and her husband, Sean Stanford, were recently honored by the New England Chapter of JDRF at the Boston One Night Gala. Moira is an author, speaker, dedicated diabetes advocate, mentor and educator. When her daughter, Lauren, was diagnosed 18 years ago, Moira jumped into the diabetes community and hasn't looked back. Stacey talks to Moira about this honor and about the dress she wore to the Gala. Seamstress (and type 1 mom) Darlene Winn crafted it and hand-embroidered dozens of names into the lining - names of "T1D heroes I love," says Moira. You'll also hear from Moira & Sean's daughters, Lauren and Leigh. They talk about what this honor means to their family and how their parents kept a balance of diabetes management, helping the community and living a full and happy life outside of T1D (Leigh does not have diabetes). Stacey also talks with the JDRF chapter about why they chose Moira and to the director of the JDRF Ride to Cure Diabetes. Moira more recently became involved in that