Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Working at NASA with Type 1 Diabetes: Ernesto Prado



Ernesto Prado always wanted to be an astronaut but when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a teenager, that dream had to change. He found a way to work in the space program anyway, as a technical project manager at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. He says going to work every day is a dream come true, and he has even bigger goals for his career. Ernesto's journey wasn't easy, his family wanted him to keep diabetes a secret at first, and he had some very bumpy times in college. He shares what helped him get back on track, mistakes he's learned from and why he wants people with diabetes to keep pushing the boundaries of what others think they can do.  Our one year anniversary contest continues! Enter to win one of two Pebble Smartwatches at www.diabetes-connections.com. Contest closes on June 12, 2016. Please vote for us in The Podcast Awards! Diabetes Connections made the final 10 shows in the country for the Health category. Voting determines a national winner. Please vote at www.podcastawards.com