Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Dexcom CGM Use: Real Life vs Labeling



Dexcom has released a few new studies about how people use their continuous glucose monotoring systems. Stacey talks about them with Tomas Walker, Dexcom’s Director of Clinical Projects and a certified diabetes educator. The two studies, released at the American Diabetes Association's Scientific Sessions look at how people use a CGM in the real-world, outside of a clinical setting.  For example, the FDA does not currently label Dexcom for use in making insulin dosing decisions; we are supposed to always confirm with a finger-stick. Of course, not everyone does this and Dexcom wanted to learn more about how and why. Another study looks at how setting the threshold alerts (the high and low alerts) within the system affect how people use a CGM and whether their blood sugar outcomes and A1Cs are affected.   In this episode, Stacey also announces the winners of the Pebble Time Smartwatch Giveaway (thanks to all who entered)! She also talks about carrying supplies when in different theme parks, including going over