Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Country Singer/Songwriter Amanda Jo lives with Type 1 Diabetes



Amanda Jo has been a professional entertainer since childhood. She's done everything from sing the national anthem at huge stadiums to performing opera and stage musicals. Amanda Jo was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a teenager, just after she had decided to follow her passion into country music. Now a singer-songwriter in Nashville, she collaborated last summer with American Idol’s Adam Lasher, who also has type 1, on The Needle Free Song, a diabetes anthem. We’ll talk about how that song came about, how it took a while for Amanda Jo to feel comfortable talking about her diabetes and how she manages type 1 on the road and even on stage. Stacey also talks about Father's Day and how studies show that children whose fathers are more involved in their T1D management have better health outcomes.