Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Dexcom's Senior VP of Data / Poppy Medical ID



When you deal with diabetes you deal with a lot of numbers and a lot of data. This week's guest is Dexcom's Senior Vice President of Data Annika Jimenez. She joined the company in 2015 with a Silicon Valley background and brings us up to date on Dexcom's Clarity software program, developments to come and Dexcom's relationship with Nightscout and OpenAPS developers. In our Community Connection segment, Stacey talks to Sarah Harmon, founder of Poppy Medical ID. As a teenager, Sarah hated wearing a clunky medical bracelet, so she created a new line of ID jewelry. Poppy Medical ID is currently featured on Kickstarter. Stacey also explains that her contest continues. Leave a review and you could win a gift card. Details here - contest ends September 27, 2016