Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

Humor & Help from Diabetes Advice Columnist Wil Dubois



Wil Dubois has written a weekly diabetes advice column for DiabetesMine for more than ten years. Called "Ask D'Mine," Wil answers questions with straight-talk, a blunt attitude and understanding that comes from experience. Diagnosed type 1 as an adult (and first misdiagnosed) he's also a diabetes author and community educator. Stacey & Will talk about the column, Wil's diagnosis and about working in an area of the country where diabetes educators and endos are few in number and access. Wil also shares which columns generated the strongest reactions from readers. This episode also features information about Diabetes Podcast Week. Plus a way you or your business can help the Spare a Rose campaign get life-saving diabetes supplies to children in developing nations while also getting a mention on the show.