Catholic Heritage Show W/ Dr. Estrada

Take the Time to Read the Primary Sources for Yourself - How to Study the Catholic Heritage - CHS 94



Why should someone take the time to look into the sources themselves? In this episode we talk about the importance of reading or viewing the original sources for oneself. Numerous online media outlets attempt to present a certain picture of a given individual, movement or group based on a specific agenda. For anyone who is interested in learning more about about the history of the Catholic faith or any other significant topic for that matter, it is imperative that they take the time to look into the sources for themselves. In this episode, I briefly talk about the importance of reading any author, regardless of their particular religious or political view, for oneself. In order to get closer to the truth about an individual, political view or religious movement, readers must to the best of their ability trying to come engaged the various media (i.e., literary materials, videos and audio files) produced by those aforementioned groups. The labor of actually reading through a primary source text must be done bef