Light Work : A Podcast With Desire Map Author, Danielle Laporte

[LIGHT WORK] Ep 1: Friends, Lovers, and Therapy



We're connection starved, we know this. Let me give you a peek into my own circle of friendship. In this first episode of LIGHT WORK, I use my own crew as how-to examples for creating radical support and sweetness in your life. Also in this episode: Compelling reasons for resisting the perfectly normal urge to play the therapist with your lover-person (don't do it) A script for starting your own Goddess Group Relationship research that will make you go whoa A gather ‘round the fire tale that illustrates (with scientific proof!) that we need each other to shine Plus...   ...Tears of gratitude for my woman tribe, sexy monks, vagina talk, poetry, and general real-realness.   For more, visit DANIELLELAPORTE.COM/PODCAST