Kelli Richards Presents All Access Radio

Jon Potter, Entrepreneurial Attorney and Advocate



Jon Potter is an Entrepreneurial Attorney and advocate who has been helping clients accomplish business and public policy goals for more than 20 years. In January 2010 Potter launched RPG Strategies, a boutique consulting firm that develops advocacy campaigns and organizations and provides strategic public and government affairs support. From 1998 until 2009 Potter founded and led the Digital Media Association. On behalf of, iTunes, Rhapsody, Pandora and many other members, Potter led successful industry efforts to modernize copyright law and ensure – through negotiation, arbitration, legislation and the SaveNetRadio campaign – fair royalties for Internet-based entertainment services. Prior to DiMA, Potter represented technology companies with regard to copyright and related legislation, including the Audio Home Recording Act, the Digital Millenium Copyright Act and the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act. Potter is an accomplished public speaker who has testified before Congress and